Clarke eyes greater gov’t pre-primary spend, means-based financing of tertiary education | Lead Stories

With administrators continuing to be on the edge of their seats, to see whether there will be a surge in teacher migration come August, Dr Nigel Clarke, minister of finance and the public service, has reiterated that Jamaica spends the second highest on education among Caribbean territories. While speaking at the closing ceremony for the week-long Caribbean Union of Teachers’ (CUT) 41st Biennial Conference, which was held at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel on Friday, Clarke referred to the World Bank’s and UNICEF’s Public Expenditure Review of the Education Sector in Jamaica 2021, which stated that in 2019 education in Jamaica…
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What is Clustering in Machine Learning? Definition from TechTarget

What is clustering in machine learning and how does it work? Clustering is a data science technique in machine learning that groups similar rows in a data set. After running a clustering technique, a new column appears in the data set to indicate the group each row of data fits into best. Since rows of data, or data points, often represent people, financial transactions, documents or other important entities, these groups tend to form clusters of similar entities that have several kinds of real-world applications. Why is clustering important? Clustering is sometimes referred to as unsupervised machine learning. To perform…
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5 Tips for Creating a More Inclusive Classroom Environment –

Singapore stands as a beacon of multicultural harmony in the heart of Southeast Asia, a diverse tapestry of cultures, ethnicities, and religions woven together over centuries. The multicultural backdrop of the nation, in turn, sets the stage for an engaging, diverse, and inclusive educational environment that prepares students adequately for life in a highly globalized world. It’s imperative to reflect Singapore’s diversity within the country’s classrooms by making inclusive teaching and learning a major priority. Educators play a critical role in creating such a setting. They’re not just purveyors of knowledge, but also the architects of a learning environment that…
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What the DeSantis agenda means for higher education in Florida

Governor Ron Desantis has signed a new Florida higher ed law. Florida public colleges are now banned from offering general ed classes that “distort significant events” or “teach identity politics.” The law also bans state schools from using public money for diversity programs. Critics are calling it an attack on the very purpose of a college education. “The less information people have access to, the more they become indoctrinated. The importance of higher education is to teach people how to ask questions, how to analyze and assess information, how to figure out their own ideas,” Eden McLean, associate professor of…
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Teaching Tommy Orange’s There There: Part Two

Teaching Tommy Orange’s There There: Part Two | In  my previous post, I discussed how my teaching partner James and I approach pre-teaching or setting the context forTommy Orange’s novel There There.  The Prologue introduces readers to a lot of history that many of them might not know. James and I decided that this year, we wanted students to unpack the Prologue and generate the questions, so we used Marisa Thompson’s Thoughts/Questions/Epiphanies method (see this blog post) so students could generate discussion questions. Here is a screengrab of the slide deck I used with prompts for the students. Tommy…
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Palestine Legal Welcomes Ed Dept’s Decision to Combat Antisemitism Without IHRA Definition In New Factsheet — Palestine Legal

“We are reassured to see the Department do the right thing: avoid reference to the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, and focus resources on addressing threats of bigotry by white supremacists,” said Palestine Legal attorney Liz Jackson. “Antisemitism is frightening, especially with the rise of right-wing nationalism and racism of all kinds.” “The experts at the Department are right to address the threat of anti-Semitism alongside other forms of racism. They are right that censoring Palestinians does nothing to combat anti-Semitism.” The newly released fact sheets focuses on real threats, such as the rise of Nazism targeting Jewish students, hurling “terrorist”…
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Solving the educational dilemma means offering choices to parents – The News Herald

If there is one thing all parents can agree on, it’s that they want their children to have an excellent education — one that prepares them for success in their lives and careers. Yet any parent knows that is easier said than done. Every child is unique, with individual learning needs and skill sets. Yet, as a nation, we still need to provide access to an array of educational options as diverse and multifaceted as the students in our classrooms. For millions of families, their neighborhood public school — often one that has educated generations and served as a community…
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Regional higher education the ‘definition of madness’

“We get a bit of regional loading, but we are essentially funded in exactly the same way as Macquarie University or University of Technology Sydney. We are working in such incredibly thin markets, it’s the definition of madness to keep doing it the same way.” However, Nick Klomp, chair of the Regional Universities Network and vice-chancellor of Central Queensland University, said the proposal was largely a distraction that would get in the way of regional universities of educating people in the regions. “To my mind, the priority isn’t to establish another university under a different regime, but for the Commonwealth…
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