What Is the Secret Sauce for Deeper Learning?

Listen to the interview with Sarah Fine (transcript): Sponsored by EVERFI and Giant Steps This page contains Amazon Affiliate and Bookshop.org links. When you make a purchase through these links, Cult of Pedagogy gets a small percentage of the sale at no extra cost to you. What’s the difference between Amazon and Bookshop.org? Ask most adults if they remember anything they learned in high school, and what you’re likely to hear is a lot of different versions of no. Ask most high school kids if they remember what they learned last year, and you’ll probably get the same answer. Although…
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A Transformational Initiative to Expand the Indigenous Healthcare Workforce in Northern Ontario

Last Updated on April 20, 2023 by YGK News Staff The southern appendage of Hudson Bay, James Bay – Weeneebeg (Western Cree)/Wiiniibek (Eastern Cree) – spans about 160 kilometers between Northern Québec and Ontario, with the provincial border at the bottom of the bay. First Nations communities spanning the coast and its many branching rivers, long functioned as trade posts for the Hudson’s Bay Company, including Fort Rupert, Québec (Eastern Cree, Eeyou territory), and Moose Factory Island and Fort Albany, Ontario (Western Cree, Mushkegowuk territories). The largest and most urban settlement in this region is the town of Moosonee, Ontario,…
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Building strong foundations for young learners’ health and education in Malawi

Your work focuses on developing life skills curricula to help build healthy behaviors in young people. Could you tell us a bit about it? Why is your work important? Why do young people in Malawi need life skills education/CSE? No society can thrive if its youth are not healthy. Life skills education was introduced over 20 years ago in primary schools in Malawi to help young people develop healthy behaviors. It includes concepts such as health promotion, social development, moral development and physical development, among others. For example, under the health promotion concept, “the learner will be able to make…
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The effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy and sexual health education on the sexual assertiveness of newly married women | BMC Psychiatry

Study design and participants This randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted on 66 newly married women with cases in Asad-Abadi and Haft-e-Tir pre-marriage counseling centers in Tabriz. All Iranian couples previously referred to pre-marital centers for pre-marriage tests were selected as sample. The inclusion criteria were newly married women (1—3 years passed from their marriage), scoring less than 50 in the Hulbert Sexual Assertiveness Index, having at least elementary education, first marriage, and living in a shared house. The exclusion criteria included aged below 18-years, pregnant or breastfeeding women, being candidates for divorce, history of mental disorders, such as depression,…
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