Regional higher education the ‘definition of madness’

“We get a bit of regional loading, but we are essentially funded in exactly the same way as Macquarie University or University of Technology Sydney. We are working in such incredibly thin markets, it’s the definition of madness to keep doing it the same way.” However, Nick Klomp, chair of the Regional Universities Network and vice-chancellor of Central Queensland University, said the proposal was largely a distraction that would get in the way of regional universities of educating people in the regions. “To my mind, the priority isn’t to establish another university under a different regime, but for the Commonwealth…
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What is Q-learning?

What is Q-learning? Q-learning is a machine learning approach that enables a model to iteratively learn and improve over time by taking the correct action. Q-learning is a type of reinforcement learning. With reinforcement learning, a machine learning model is trained to mimic the way animals or children learn. Good actions are rewarded or reinforced, while bad actions are discouraged and penalized. With the state-action-reward-state-action form of reinforcement learning, the training regimen follows a model to take the right actions. Q-learning provides a model-free approach to reinforcement learning. There is no model of the environment to guide the reinforcement learning…
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