What is Clustering in Machine Learning? Definition from TechTarget

What is clustering in machine learning and how does it work? Clustering is a data science technique in machine learning that groups similar rows in a data set. After running a clustering technique, a new column appears in the data set to indicate the group each row of data fits into best. Since rows of data, or data points, often represent people, financial transactions, documents or other important entities, these groups tend to form clusters of similar entities that have several kinds of real-world applications. Why is clustering important? Clustering is sometimes referred to as unsupervised machine learning. To perform…
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What the DeSantis agenda means for higher education in Florida

Governor Ron Desantis has signed a new Florida higher ed law. Florida public colleges are now banned from offering general ed classes that “distort significant events” or “teach identity politics.” The law also bans state schools from using public money for diversity programs. Critics are calling it an attack on the very purpose of a college education. “The less information people have access to, the more they become indoctrinated. The importance of higher education is to teach people how to ask questions, how to analyze and assess information, how to figure out their own ideas,” Eden McLean, associate professor of…
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