LIKE IT or not, the age of generative AI is upon us. Anyone with an internet connection now has access to tools that can answer almost every question under the sun, write everything from university essays to computer code and produce art or photorealistic images.
The jury is still out on whether all this represents a stride towards super-intelligent AI. Even if progress stagnates, however, the capabilities available today could profoundly affect the economy, jobs, education, culture and more. So how is the current generation of AI going to reshape the world, and your life, in the next five to…
What is clustering in machine learning and how does it work?
Clustering is a data science technique in machine learning that groups similar rows in a data set. After running a clustering technique, a new column appears in the data set to indicate the group each row of data fits into best. Since rows of data, or data points, often represent people, financial transactions, documents or other important entities, these groups tend to form clusters of similar entities that have several kinds of real-world applications.
Why is clustering important?
Clustering is sometimes referred to as unsupervised machine learning. To perform…
Successful people know exactly how they got there. They are the goal-setters and dream-chasers of the world. Now imagine how much more they could accomplish if they started their vision to succeed at a young age! That’s why teachers should challenge students to dream big. And it all starts with a vision board.
What is a Vision Board?
Have you ever heard of the phrase, out of sight, out of mind?
Well, the vision board keeps dreams in sight. It displays the student’s goals in life made out of symbols, words, and images. It can either be their dream career,…
February 2022
Coach Education Definitions
Academic Review Board: A body set up by the Convention Member to review concerns of fairness and equity and to consider appeals on course level decisions of coach educators (including assessments) made by student-coaches.
Coach Education Panel Members: A member of the Concacaf Coach Education Panel, which is responsible for establishing, implementing, and monitoring the Concacaf Coaching Convention across the Confederation’s Member Associations.
Coach Educator: An experienced, knowledgeable, and highly skilled football coach who is also trained in adult education and can educate student coaches according to the standards established by the Concacaf Coaching Convention.…
Analysis reflective reports
Contact information was available for 39 students, who were all invited to share their reflective reports (Fig. 1). A total of 33 students gave permission to analyze their reports (85%). Reports on the tropical medicine internship, public health internship and the combination internship were all taken into account. The period in which the IHEs took place was from July 2017 to February 2019. Internships took place in the following countries: Ghana, Indonesia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Uganda, Surinam, Tanzania, Zambia and South Africa.
Fig. 1
Inclusion of reflective reports
Deductive analysis of provided 20 categories of possible…