Antonella Sciarrone, Undersecretary of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Culture and Education, underlines the importance of “dignifying” careers in the educational field starting from younger generations.
By Alessandro Di Bussolo and Edoardo Giribaldi
“We are present here, at World Youth Day, with a stand focused on the Global Compact on Education and two special events.”
Antonella Sciarrone, Undersecretary of the Dicastery for Culture and Education, presented the various activities carried on by the Dicastery in Lisbon.
Christian living and joy
The stand is present at the City of Joy, a space where pilgrims can find several experiences of Christian living and joy.
“The idea,” Ms. Sciarrone explained, “is to listen to their voices. They can express ideas and suggestions through post-its and a QR code, which contains an online survey about education open until the end of August.”
Global Compact on Education
The activities are all related to the Global Compact on Education, an initiative introduced by Pope Francis aimed at fostering a renewed commitment to children’s education not only in the school environment but also in their families and communities.
Visitors will have the possibility to choose one of the seven commitments on which the program is founded. The Global Compact on Education was also discussed during an event organized by the Dicastery on Tuesday, at the Catholic University of Portugal.
Working in education as a vocation
Another panel took place on Wednesday, at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the State University of Lisbon.
The topic was the value of education, and “the importance of understanding education” and its related careers, “teachers, professors and so on, as a vocation.”
Dignify educational careers
“It is important for young people to be attracted by these kinds of careers, ” Ms. Sciarrone affirmed, “because we can’t have a very fruitful educational relationship without teachers and professors extremely committed to their careers.”
Ms. Sciarrone concluded by pointing out the necessity to “be present in a process that gives more dignity to these professions,” highlighting how “in many countries, to be teachers and professors is not so dignifying.”